LEarning And Development project for Micro and Small Enterprises, the LEAD MSE project supported by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union.

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The sixth LEAD Transnational Partner Meeting took place on May 17, 2024, in Budapest, hosted by Budapest Business University. The meeting brought together representatives from all partner organizations: Tallinn University of Technology, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Portuguese Catholic University, ADINVEST Europe, University Paris Nanterre, and CEPOR – SMEs and Entrepreneurship Policy Center.


Budapest 1

Partners shared their experiences with organizing pilot trainings, developing training materials, and collecting feedback from students and entrepreneurs. A special segment of the schedule was dedicated to discussing multiplier events. In the coming months, all partners will organize these events to disseminate the project results and publications.

In conclusion, all partners agreed that this project has been very valuable for their countries and business environments. Well-managed human resources can enhance innovation and adaptability, which are essential for micro and small enterprises to compete and grow in dynamic markets. In the context of social changes in business environments, such as migration, partners also discussed possibilities for future cooperation.

Budapest 2


Dr. Péter Soltész and László Varga
BBS - Budapest Business School
29-31 Markó Street,
H-1055 Budapest, Hungary