LEarning And Development project for Micro and Small Enterprises, the LEAD MSE project supported by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union.

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The LEAD Multiplier Event in Zagreb, Croatia, held on June 19, 2024, focused on "Challenges of Human Resource Management in Small Enterprises." The conference, organized by CEPOR in collaboration with SENTOR, the Croatian Association of Employers, SELECTIO Group, and Algebra University, highlighted effective HR practices tailored for small businesses.

Key discussions included establishing HR functions in a growing IT company, adapting management styles as companies evolve, and insights into HR management at different stages of company development. One session emphasized integrating underrepresented groups into the work collective and sharing experiences and solutions for employing people with disabilities, socially disadvantaged groups, and foreign workers in Croatia.

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A lecture on leveraging AI in HR processes showcased how smart technology can make HR more efficient and data-driven, tailored to both employee needs and organizational requirements. Another panel discussion highlighted the importance of fostering a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing for organizational success.

The conference also presented the results of the LEAD project, with a special focus on the Handbook for Human Resource Management and Development in Micro- and Small Enterprises. This handbook provides tools and strategies for entrepreneurs to create effective employee development strategies and encourage various forms of learning among employees. The handbook was distributed to the 80 participants, ensuring that the discussed knowledge and practices would be implemented in their businesses.

The event underscored the significance of HR practices in small enterprises and demonstrated a strong commitment among attendees to learn and grow, promoting the development and success of small businesses.

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Dr. Péter Soltész and László Varga
BBS - Budapest Business School
29-31 Markó Street,
H-1055 Budapest, Hungary