LEarning And Development project for Micro and Small Enterprises, the LEAD MSE project supported by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union.

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On June 19, 2024, a conference dedicated to the topic of human resource management in small enterprises will be held in Zagreb. During the conference, the results of the LEAD project will be disseminated. In addition to CEPOR, the conference is co-organized by the Senior Entrepreneurs Club SENTOR, the Croatian Employers' Association, Selectio Group, and Algebra.

The aim of the conference is to highlight good HR practices in the development and management of employees that can be applied in small enterprises. The conference is intended for owners of small enterprises and will enable the exchange of experiences in the field of human resource management at different stages of company development, as well as introduce useful tools to help implement HR practices in small enterprises.


Dr. Péter Soltész and László Varga
BBS - Budapest Business School
29-31 Markó Street,
H-1055 Budapest, Hungary